Figure 7 shows the phases of facial reconstruction

Figure 7 shows the phases of facial reconstruction

It appears teeth 13, 15, 16, 24, 27, 31, 36, 42, and 46 had been eliminated at sometime before death as they have had time to heal over.

These forensic age estimation strategies conclude that this person could be ranging from 25 and 48.1 years old. Nevertheless, after combining all outcomes and analysing their precision and validity, chances are that this person is between 32 and 43 years old.

Facial reconstruction

During facial reconstruction, 16 osteometric points had been calculated and connected to the skull, then, facial muscle tissue, features, fat and epidermis had been created from wax to produce a potential antemortem model of this specific- see figure 7. After conclusion, it was clear that this person had been a male with a very prominent jaw and forehead which links to past conclusions.




Figure 7 shows the phases of facial reconstruction. A) shows the skull with osteometric points in place, B) shows the addition of some facial muscle tissue, eyeball and nose, and C) shows the ultimate, finished facial reconstruction.

Despite this, as it is an creative interpretation finished by a group of untrained people without any soft muscle or portrait to the office alongside, this method is very subjective and for that reason not very dependable at recreating an individual’s morphological traits for recognition. Consequently, this could be enhanced making use of computerised 3D facial reconstruction.

DNA profiling

Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP), a highly reproducible DNA profiling method, had been carried out to recognize the typical D1S80 adjustable nucleotide tandem perform within this individual’s DNA sample and compared to those of 7 missing people. Nevertheless, lack of any bands in this individual’s DNA sample, shown in figure 10, stops matching to known genotypes. This could be due to bad primer specificity or synthesis or insufficient, defective DNA in the test (McPherson, Quirke & Taylor, 1992).

Figure 10 shows the results from 2% agarose gel electrophoresis associated with the PCR products. Lane 1 and 12 – 100bp ladder; 2- water control; 3- DNA sample A; 4- DNA sample B; 5- DNA sample C; 6- this individuals DNA sample; 7- DNA sample D; 8- DNA sample E; 9- DNA sample F;   10- DNA sample G; 11- water.

consequently, to find a match, AFLP should really be duplicated ensuring there is certainly sufficient, unfragmented DNA along side an appropriate, high specificity primer. Primer dimers at the bottom of lane 9 implies the primer concentration had been too high, consequently, to avoid allelic dropout which could assume homozygosity, reduced levels should really be utilized whenever saying.

AFLP requires good quality and number of DNA to avoid allelic dropout, nevertheless, it is most likely that this can’t be accomplished out of this DNA test. Consequently, DNA-17 may provide better results because it calls for less DNA due to improved sensitiveness and discrimination between pages (Crown Prosecution provider, 2019).


After analysing all results, you can estimate this was a European male aged between 32 and 43 who was 174cm high, living with acromegaly. The most likely cause of death is co-morbidity connected with acromegaly progression. Unfortunately, these conclusions can’t be verified through DNA fingerprinting which decreases validation and dependability, consequently, further analysis to confirm this individual’s identification could include more dependable methods involving molecular biology and bone tissue chemistry.


  • Albanese, J., (2003).  A Metric Method for Intercourse Determination Using the Hipbone plus the Femur. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 48(2), 2001378. Available from: doi:10.1520/jfs2001378.
  • Bass, W., (1978). Human osteology. Columbia, Mo., Missouri Archaeological Community, 196-208.
  • Ebony, T., (1978). Intimate dimorphism in the tooth-crown diameters associated with the deciduous teeth. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 48(1), 77-82. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330480111.
  • Brooks, S. and Suchey, J., (1990). Skeletal age dedication based on the os pubis: A comparison associated with the Acsádi-Nemeskéri and Suchey-Brooks methods. Individual Evolution. 5(3), 227-238. Available from: doi:10.1007/bf02437238.
  • Carr, L., (1962). Eruption ages of permanent teeth. Australian Dental Journal. 7(5), 367-373. Available from: doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.1962.tb04884.x.
  • Chapman, I., (2017). Gigantism and Acromegaly – Hormonal and Metabolic Disorders – MSD handbook customer variation. [Online]. 2017. MSD Handbook Customer Variation. Available from: [Accessed: 27 April 2019].
  • Church, MS., (1995). Determination of Race through the Skeleton through Forensic Anthropological Methods. Forensic Science Review. 7(1), 1-39
  • Crown Prosecution Provider., (2019). DNA-17 Profiling. [Online]. 2019. Crown Prosecution Provider. Available from: [Accessed: 5 Might 2019].
  • Ferembach, D., (1980). Strategies for age and intercourse diagnoses of skeletons. Journal of Human Evolution. 9(7), 517-549. Available from: doi:10.1016/0047-2484(80)90061-5.
  • Giles, E. and Elliot, O., (1963). Intercourse dedication by discriminant function analysis of crania. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 21(1), 53-68. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330210108
  • Giles, E., (1970). Discriminant function sexing associated with the individual skeleton. Personal Identification in Mass Disasters. In Stewart TD (ed.)99-107.
  • Krogman, W., (1962). The individual skeleton in forensic medication. United states Journal of Orthodontics. 49(6), 474. Available from: doi:10.1016/0002-9416(63)90175-1.
  • McPherson, M., Quirke, P. & Taylor, G., (1992). PCR: a practical approach. Oxford, IRL.
  • Meindl, R. and Lovejoy, C., (1985). Ectocranial suture closing: A revised method for the dedication of skeletal age at death based on the lateral-anterior sutures. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 68(1), 57-66. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330680106.
  • Miles, A., (1963). Dentition in the Estimation of Age. Journal of Dental Analysis. 42(1), 255-263. Available from: doi:10.1177/00220345630420012701
  • Molleson, T and Cox, M., (1993). The Spitalfields Venture, Vol. 2: The Anthropology. The Middling Type, Analysis Report 86. Council for British Archaeology: York.
  • NIDDK., (2012). Acromegaly | NIDDK. [online] National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Available at: [Viewed 21 April 2019].
  • Phenice, T., (1969). A newly developed artistic method of sexing the os pubis. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 30(2), 297-301. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330300214.
  • Rissech, C., Estabrook, G., Cunha, E. and Malgosa, A., (2006). Making use of the Acetabulum to calculate Age at loss of Adult Males*. Journal of Forensic Sciences.  51(2), 213-229. Available from: doi:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2006.00060.x
  • Scheuer, L. & Ebony, S., (2004). The juvenile skeleton. London, Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Sutherland, L. and Suchey, J., (1991) utilization of the Ventral Arc in Pubic Intercourse Determination. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 36(2), 13051J. Available from: doi:10.1520/jfs13051j.
  • Todd, T., (1921). Age alterations in the pubic bone tissue. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 4(1), 1-70. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330040102
  • Trotter, M., (1970). Estimation of stature from intact long limb bones, in Stewart, T.D. (ed.), Personal Identification in Mass Disasters: National Museum of Natural History, Washington, 71-83.

properties of water ap biology essay


Appendix A


dimension (mm)

Cranial size


Cranial breadth


Basion-bregma height


Bizygomatic breadth


Basion prosthion size


Nasion-prosthion line


Maxillo-alveolar breadth


Height associated with the processus mastoideus


These dimensions had been then inputted into the formula below to determine intercourse through the skull.

Discriminant function formula (Giles & Elliot, 1963):

(Cranial length*3.107) + (Cranial breadth*-4.643) + (Basion-bregma height*5.786) + (bizygomatic breadth*14.821) + (Basion prosthion length*1.000) + (Nasion-prosthion line*2.714) + (Maxillo-alveolar breadth*-5.179) + (Height for the processus mastoideus*6.071)

If outcome is bigger than 2676.39, the in-patient is male, if smaller compared to 2676.39, the in-patient is feminine.

Appendix B


dimension (mm)

Hipbone height (A)


Iliac breadth (B)


Pubis length (C)


Ischium length (D)


Femur head diameter (E)


Epicondylar breadth of femur (F)


There dimensions where then inputted into the formula below Albanese’s (2003) to determine intercourse through the femur and pelvis.

Likelihood M/F=1(1+e–Z)

Model 1, Z = -61.5345 + (0.595*A) – (0.5192*B) – (1.1104*D) + (1.1696*E) + (0.5893*F)

Model 2, Z = -40.5313 + (0.2572*A) – (0.9852*C) + (0.7303*E) + (0.3177*F)

Model 3, Z = -30.359 + (0.4323*A) – (0.2217*B) – (0.7404*C) + (0.3412*D)

If P is greater than 0.5, the in-patient is male, if P is lower than 0.5, the in-patient is feminine.

Appendix C

directory of corresponding states and many years for each associated with the 7 acetabulum variables Rissech’s (2006)

  1. Acetabular groove
    • State 1 – predicted age: 41.6
  2. Acetabular rim shape
    • State 3 – predicted age: 45.9
  3. Acetabular rim porosity
    • State 2 – predicted age: 39
  4. Apex task
    • State 1 – predicted age: 38.2
  5. task on the outer side of the fossa that is acetabular 2 – predicted age: 32.3
  6. task associated with the acetabular fossa
    • State 3 – predicted age: 48.1
  7. Porosities associated with the acetabular fossa Share this: Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn WhatsApp  

nevertheless, cranial suture closing is considered unreliable and inaccurate because it frequently under‐ages older grownups and over‐ages sub-adults (Molleson and Cox 1993). Moreover, this individual’s acromegaly caused excessive outgrowth of bone tissue around the sutures, possibly impacting their closing and, hence, impacting age dedication. Because of this, a more reliable method of aging the skull involves taking a look at dentition.

Teeth are the minimum destructible part of the body, making them excellent for age estimation. No deciduous dentition and evidence of enamel 8 alveolar procedures indicate this person is at minimum 18 years old (Carr, 1962). Dental use analysis provides more accurate age dedication compared to those previously mentioned because it examines enamel which can’t be remodelled. a commonly utilized method involves analysing of mandibular molar wear (Miles 1963), however, as shown in figure 5 and 6, excessive ante- and postmortem loss of tooth means just two mandibular molars are present, preventing any legitimate age estimation.


Figure 5, photographs showing mandibular (A) and maxillary (B) dentition. 1) identifies the sites of postmortem loss of tooth, 2) shows antemortem loss of tooth, 3) indicates alveolar processes of molar 3 and 4) indicates areas of decay.

Figure 6, using the University of Sheffield dental chart, programs which teeth can be found, which have been removed and any fractures seen. It appears teeth 13, 15, 16, 24, 27, 31, 36, 42, and 46 had been eliminated at sometime before death as they have had time to heal over.

These forensic age estimation strategies conclude that this person could be ranging from 25 and 48.1 years old. Nevertheless, after combining all outcomes and analysing their precision and validity, chances are that this person is between 32 and 43 years old.

Facial reconstruction

During facial reconstruction, 16 osteometric points had been calculated and connected to the skull, then, facial muscle tissue, features, fat and epidermis had been created from wax to produce a potential antemortem model of this specific- see figure 7. After conclusion, it was clear that this person had been a male with a very prominent jaw and forehead which links to past conclusions.




Figure 7 shows the phases of facial reconstruction. A) shows the skull with osteometric points in place, B) shows the addition of some facial muscle tissue, eyeball and nose, and C) shows the ultimate, finished facial reconstruction.

Despite this, as it is an creative interpretation finished by a group of untrained people without any soft muscle or portrait to the office alongside, this method is very subjective and for that reason not very dependable at recreating an individual’s morphological traits for recognition. Consequently, this could be enhanced making use of computerised 3D facial reconstruction.

DNA profiling

Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP), a highly reproducible DNA profiling method, had been carried out to recognize the typical D1S80 adjustable nucleotide tandem perform within this individual’s DNA sample and compared to those of 7 missing people. Nevertheless, lack of any bands in this individual’s DNA sample, shown in figure 10, stops matching to known genotypes. This could be due to bad primer specificity or synthesis or insufficient, defective DNA in the test (McPherson, Quirke & Taylor, 1992).

Figure 10 shows the results from 2% agarose gel electrophoresis associated with the PCR products. Lane 1 and 12 – 100bp ladder; 2- water control; 3- DNA sample A; 4- DNA sample B; 5- DNA sample C; 6- this individuals DNA sample; 7- DNA sample D; 8- DNA sample E; 9- DNA sample F;   10- DNA sample G; 11- water.

consequently, to find a match, AFLP should really be duplicated ensuring there is certainly sufficient, unfragmented DNA along side an appropriate, high specificity primer. Primer dimers at the bottom of lane 9 implies the primer concentration had been too high, consequently, to avoid allelic dropout which could assume homozygosity, reduced levels should really be utilized whenever saying.

AFLP requires good quality and number of DNA to avoid allelic dropout, nevertheless, it is most likely that this can’t be accomplished out of this DNA test. Consequently, DNA-17 may provide better results because it calls for less DNA due to improved sensitiveness and discrimination between pages (Crown Prosecution provider, 2019).


After analysing all results, you can estimate this was a European male aged between 32 and 43 who was 174cm high, living with acromegaly. The most likely cause of death is co-morbidity connected with acromegaly progression. Unfortunately, these conclusions can’t be verified through DNA fingerprinting which decreases validation and dependability, consequently, further analysis to confirm this individual’s identification could include more dependable methods involving molecular biology and bone tissue chemistry.


  • Albanese, J., (2003).  A Metric Method for Intercourse Determination Using the Hipbone plus the Femur. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 48(2), 2001378. Available from: doi:10.1520/jfs2001378.
  • Bass, W., (1978). Human osteology. Columbia, Mo., Missouri Archaeological Community, 196-208.
  • Ebony, T., (1978). Intimate dimorphism in the tooth-crown diameters associated with the deciduous teeth. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 48(1), 77-82. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330480111.
  • Brooks, S. and Suchey, J., (1990). Skeletal age dedication based on the os pubis: A comparison associated with the Acsádi-Nemeskéri and Suchey-Brooks methods. Individual Evolution. 5(3), 227-238. Available from: doi:10.1007/bf02437238.
  • Carr, L., (1962). Eruption ages of permanent teeth. Australian Dental Journal. 7(5), 367-373. Available from: doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.1962.tb04884.x.
  • Chapman, I., (2017). Gigantism and Acromegaly – Hormonal and Metabolic Disorders – MSD handbook customer variation. [Online]. 2017. MSD Handbook Customer Variation. Available from: [Accessed: 27 April 2019].
  • Church, MS., (1995). Determination of Race through the Skeleton through Forensic Anthropological Methods. Forensic Science Review. 7(1), 1-39
  • Crown Prosecution Provider., (2019). DNA-17 Profiling. [Online]. 2019. Crown Prosecution Provider. Available from: [Accessed: 5 Might 2019].
  • Ferembach, D., (1980). Strategies for age and intercourse diagnoses of skeletons. Journal of Human Evolution. 9(7), 517-549. Available from: doi:10.1016/0047-2484(80)90061-5.
  • Giles, E. and Elliot, O., (1963). Intercourse dedication by discriminant function analysis of crania. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 21(1), 53-68. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330210108
  • Giles, E., (1970). Discriminant function sexing associated with the individual skeleton. Personal Identification in Mass Disasters. In Stewart TD (ed.)99-107.
  • Krogman, W., (1962). The individual skeleton in forensic medication. United states Journal of Orthodontics. 49(6), 474. Available from: doi:10.1016/0002-9416(63)90175-1.
  • McPherson, M., Quirke, P. & Taylor, G., (1992). PCR: a practical approach. Oxford, IRL.
  • Meindl, R. and Lovejoy, C., (1985). Ectocranial suture closing: A revised method for the dedication of skeletal age at death based on the lateral-anterior sutures. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 68(1), 57-66. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330680106.
  • Miles, A., (1963). Dentition in the Estimation of Age. Journal of Dental Analysis. 42(1), 255-263. Available from: doi:10.1177/00220345630420012701
  • Molleson, T and Cox, M., (1993). The Spitalfields Venture, Vol. 2: The Anthropology. The Middling Type, Analysis Report 86. Council for British Archaeology: York.
  • NIDDK., (2012). Acromegaly | NIDDK. [online] National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Available at: [Viewed 21 April 2019].
  • Phenice, T., (1969). A newly developed artistic method of sexing the os pubis. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 30(2), 297-301. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330300214.
  • Rissech, C., Estabrook, G., Cunha, E. and Malgosa, A., (2006). Making use of the Acetabulum to calculate Age at loss of Adult Males*. Journal of Forensic Sciences.  51(2), 213-229. Available from: doi:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2006.00060.x
  • Scheuer, L. & Ebony, S., (2004). The juvenile skeleton. London, Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Sutherland, L. and Suchey, J., (1991) utilization of the Ventral Arc in Pubic Intercourse Determination. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 36(2), 13051J. Available from: doi:10.1520/jfs13051j.
  • Todd, T., (1921). Age alterations in the pubic bone tissue. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 4(1), 1-70. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330040102
  • Trotter, M., (1970). Estimation of stature from intact long limb bones, in Stewart, T.D. (ed.), Personal Identification in Mass Disasters: National Museum of Natural History, Washington, 71-83.


Appendix A


dimension (mm)

Cranial size


Cranial breadth


Basion-bregma height


Bizygomatic breadth


Basion prosthion size


Nasion-prosthion line


Maxillo-alveolar breadth


Height associated with the processus mastoideus


These dimensions had been then inputted into the formula below to determine intercourse through the skull.

Discriminant function formula (Giles & Elliot, 1963):

(Cranial length*3.107) + (Cranial breadth*-4.643) + (Basion-bregma height*5.786) + (bizygomatic breadth*14.821) + (Basion prosthion length*1.000) + (Nasion-prosthion line*2.714) + (Maxillo-alveolar breadth*-5.179) + (Height for the processus mastoideus*6.071)

If outcome is bigger than 2676.39, the in-patient is male, if smaller compared to 2676.39, the in-patient is feminine.

Appendix B


dimension (mm)

Hipbone height (A)


Iliac breadth (B)


Pubis length (C)


Ischium length (D)


Femur head diameter (E)


Epicondylar breadth of femur (F)


There dimensions where then inputted into the formula below Albanese’s (2003) to determine intercourse through the femur and pelvis.

Likelihood M/F=1(1+e–Z)

Model 1, Z = -61.5345 + (0.595*A) – (0.5192*B) – (1.1104*D) + (1.1696*E) + (0.5893*F)

Model 2, Z = -40.5313 + (0.2572*A) – (0.9852*C) + (0.7303*E) + (0.3177*F)

Model 3, Z = -30.359 + (0.4323*A) – (0.2217*B) – (0.7404*C) + (0.3412*D)

If P is greater than 0.5, the in-patient is male, if P is lower than 0.5, the in-patient is feminine.

Appendix C

directory of corresponding states and many years for each associated with the 7 acetabulum variables Rissech’s (2006)

  1. Acetabular groove
    • State 1 – predicted age: 41.6
  2. Acetabular rim shape
    • State 3 – predicted age: 45.9
  3. Acetabular rim porosity
    • State 2 – predicted age: 39
  4. Apex task
    • State 1 – predicted age: 38.2
  5. task on the outer side of the fossa that is acetabular 2 – predicted age: 32.3
  6. task associated with the acetabular fossa
    • State 3 – predicted age: 48.1
  7. Porosities associated with the acetabular fossa Share this: Facebook Twitter Reddit LinkedIn WhatsApp  

Teeth are the minimum destructible part of the body, making them excellent for age estimation. No deciduous dentition and evidence of enamel 8 alveolar procedures indicate this person is at minimum 18 years old (Carr, 1962). Dental use analysis provides more accurate age dedication compared to those previously mentioned because it examines enamel which can’t be remodelled. a commonly utilized method involves analysing of mandibular molar wear (Miles 1963), however, as shown in figure 5 and 6, excessive ante- and postmortem loss of tooth means just two mandibular molars are present, preventing any legitimate age estimation.


Figure 5, photographs showing mandibular (A) and maxillary (B) dentition. 1) identifies the sites of postmortem loss of tooth, 2) shows antemortem loss of tooth, 3) indicates alveolar processes of molar 3 and 4) indicates areas of decay.

Figure 6, using the University of Sheffield dental chart, programs which teeth can be found, which have been removed and any fractures seen. It appears teeth 13, 15, 16, 24, 27, 31, 36, 42, and 46 had been eliminated at sometime before death as they have had time to heal over.

These forensic age estimation strategies conclude that this person could be ranging from 25 and 48.1 years old. Nevertheless, after combining all outcomes and analysing their precision and validity, chances are that this person is between 32 and 43 years old.

Facial reconstruction

During facial reconstruction, 16 osteometric points had been calculated and connected to the skull, then, facial muscle tissue, features, fat and epidermis had been created from wax to produce a potential antemortem model of this specific- see figure 7. After conclusion, it was clear that this person had been a male with a very prominent jaw and forehead which links to past conclusions.




Figure 7 shows the phases of facial reconstruction. A) shows the skull with osteometric points in place, B) shows the addition of some facial muscle tissue, eyeball and nose, and C) shows the ultimate, finished facial reconstruction.

Despite this, as it is an creative interpretation finished by a group of untrained people without any soft muscle or portrait to the office alongside, this method is very subjective and for that reason not very dependable at recreating an individual’s morphological traits for recognition. Consequently, this could be enhanced making use of computerised 3D facial reconstruction.

DNA profiling

Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP), a highly reproducible DNA profiling method, had been carried out to recognize the typical D1S80 adjustable nucleotide tandem perform within this individual’s DNA sample and compared to those of 7 missing people. Nevertheless, lack of any bands in this individual’s DNA sample, shown in figure 10, stops matching to known genotypes. This could be due to bad primer specificity or synthesis or insufficient, defective DNA in the test (McPherson, Quirke & Taylor, 1992).

Figure 10 shows the results from 2% agarose gel electrophoresis associated with the PCR products. Lane 1 and 12 – 100bp ladder; 2- water control; 3- DNA sample A; 4- DNA sample B; 5- DNA sample C; 6- this individuals DNA sample; 7- DNA sample D; 8- DNA sample E; 9- DNA sample F;   10- DNA sample G; 11- water.

consequently, to find a match, AFLP should really be duplicated ensuring there is certainly sufficient, unfragmented DNA along side an appropriate, high specificity primer. Primer dimers at the bottom of lane 9 implies the primer concentration had been too high, consequently, to avoid allelic dropout which could assume homozygosity, reduced levels should really be utilized whenever saying.

AFLP requires good quality and number of DNA to avoid allelic dropout, nevertheless, it is most likely that this can’t be accomplished out of this DNA test. Consequently, DNA-17 may provide better results because it calls for less DNA due to improved sensitiveness and discrimination between pages (Crown Prosecution provider, 2019).


After analysing all results, you can estimate this was a European male aged between 32 and 43 who was 174cm high, living with acromegaly. The most likely cause of death is co-morbidity connected with acromegaly progression. Unfortunately, these conclusions can’t be verified through DNA fingerprinting which decreases validation and dependability, consequently, further analysis to confirm this individual’s identification could include more dependable methods involving molecular biology and bone tissue chemistry.


  • Albanese, J., (2003).  A Metric Method for Intercourse Determination Using the Hipbone plus the Femur. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 48(2), 2001378. Available from: doi:10.1520/jfs2001378.
  • Bass, W., (1978). Human osteology. Columbia, Mo., Missouri Archaeological Community, 196-208.
  • Ebony, T., (1978). Intimate dimorphism in the tooth-crown diameters associated with the deciduous teeth. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 48(1), 77-82. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330480111.
  • Brooks, S. and Suchey, J., (1990). Skeletal age dedication based on the os pubis: A comparison associated with the Acsádi-Nemeskéri and Suchey-Brooks methods. Individual Evolution. 5(3), 227-238. Available from: doi:10.1007/bf02437238.
  • Carr, L., (1962). Eruption ages of permanent teeth. Australian Dental Journal. 7(5), 367-373. Available from: doi:10.1111/j.1834-7819.1962.tb04884.x.
  • Chapman, I., (2017). Gigantism and Acromegaly – Hormonal and Metabolic Disorders – MSD handbook customer variation. [Online]. 2017. MSD Handbook Customer Variation. Available from: [Accessed: 27 April 2019].
  • Church, MS., (1995). Determination of Race through the Skeleton through Forensic Anthropological Methods. Forensic Science Review. 7(1), 1-39
  • Crown Prosecution Provider., (2019). DNA-17 Profiling. [Online]. 2019. Crown Prosecution Provider. Available from: [Accessed: 5 Might 2019].
  • Ferembach, D., (1980). Strategies for age and intercourse diagnoses of skeletons. Journal of Human Evolution. 9(7), 517-549. Available from: doi:10.1016/0047-2484(80)90061-5.
  • Giles, E. and Elliot, O., (1963). Intercourse dedication by discriminant function analysis of crania. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 21(1), 53-68. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330210108
  • Giles, E., (1970). Discriminant function sexing associated with the individual skeleton. Personal Identification in Mass Disasters. In Stewart TD (ed.)99-107.
  • Krogman, W., (1962). The individual skeleton in forensic medication. United states Journal of Orthodontics. 49(6), 474. Available from: doi:10.1016/0002-9416(63)90175-1.
  • McPherson, M., Quirke, P. & Taylor, G., (1992). PCR: a practical approach. Oxford, IRL.
  • Meindl, R. and Lovejoy, C., (1985). Ectocranial suture closing: A revised method for the dedication of skeletal age at death based on the lateral-anterior sutures. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 68(1), 57-66. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330680106.
  • Miles, A., (1963). Dentition in the Estimation of Age. Journal of Dental Analysis. 42(1), 255-263. Available from: doi:10.1177/00220345630420012701
  • Molleson, T and Cox, M., (1993). The Spitalfields Venture, Vol. 2: The Anthropology. The Middling Type, Analysis Report 86. Council for British Archaeology: York.
  • NIDDK., (2012). Acromegaly | NIDDK. [online] National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Available at: [Viewed 21 April 2019].
  • Phenice, T., (1969). A newly developed artistic method of sexing the os pubis. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 30(2), 297-301. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330300214.
  • Rissech, C., Estabrook, G., Cunha, E. and Malgosa, A., (2006). Making use of the Acetabulum to calculate Age at loss of Adult Males*. Journal of Forensic Sciences.  51(2), 213-229. Available from: doi:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2006.00060.x
  • Scheuer, L. & Ebony, S., (2004). The juvenile skeleton. London, Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Sutherland, L. and Suchey, J., (1991) utilization of the Ventral Arc in Pubic Intercourse Determination. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 36(2), 13051J. Available from: doi:10.1520/jfs13051j.
  • Todd, T., (1921). Age alterations in the pubic bone tissue. United states Journal of Bodily Anthropology. 4(1), 1-70. Available from: doi:10.1002/ajpa.1330040102
  • Trotter, M., (1970). Estimation of stature from intact long limb bones, in Stewart, T.D. (ed.), Personal Identification in Mass Disasters: National Museum of Natural History, Washington, 71-83.


Appendix A


dimension (mm)

Cranial size


Cranial breadth


Basion-bregma height


Bizygomatic breadth


Basion prosthion size


Nasion-prosthion line


Maxillo-alveolar breadth


Height associated with the processus mastoideus


These dimensions had been then inputted into the formula below to determine intercourse through the skull.

Discriminant function formula (Giles & Elliot, 1963):

(Cranial length*3.107) + (Cranial breadth*-4.643) + (Basion-bregma height*5.786) + (bizygomatic breadth*14.821) + (Basion prosthion length*1.000) + (Nasion-prosthion line*2.714) + (Maxillo-alveolar breadth*-5.179) + (Height for the processus mastoideus*6.071)

If outcome is bigger than 2676.39, the in-patient is male, if smaller compared to 2676.39, the in-patient is feminine.

Appendix B


dimension (mm)

Hipbone height (A)


Iliac breadth (B)


Pubis length (C)


Ischium length (D)


Femur head diameter (E)


Epicondylar breadth of femur (F)


There dimensions where then inputted into the formula below Albanese’s (2003) to determine intercourse through the femur and pelvis.

Likelihood M/F=1(1+e–Z)

Model 1, Z = -61.5345 + (0.595*A) – (0.5192*B) – (1.1104*D) + (1.1696*E) + (0.5893*F)

Model 2, Z = -40.5313 + (0.2572*A) – (0.9852*C) + (0.7303*E) + (0.3177*F)

Model 3, Z = -30.359 + (0.4323*A) – (0.2217*B) – (0.7404*C) + (0.3412*D)

If P is greater than 0.5, the in-patient is male, if P is lower than 0.5, the in-patient is feminine.

Appendix C

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