The Bundeswehr Procurement Office alone processes at least 10,000 contracts each year.

The Bundeswehr Procurement Office alone processes at least 10,000 contracts each year.

The police talk about the “party and event scene” as if jokers and not violent criminals had gone to work. When neo-Nazis hunt anyone who looks “” foreign “” and left-wing extremists smash neighborhoods, they talk about the mob. But if the city center in Stuttgart is demolished – also with the participation of migrants – is the “” party and event scene “” on the go, looking too deep into the glass and producing “” films “”?

Just like after the bad New Year’s Eve in Cologne, the impression arises that something should be glossed over that cannot be glossed over. As if a kick in the back of a police officer were fundamentally different from a kick in the back of an asylum seeker or Germans who appear “foreign”. All according to the motto: Let’s not talk about the possible downsides of social developments. Both kicks have crucial similarities: They hurt, hit innocent people and the democratic constitutional state. Source: “Since the” Stuttgart night of riot “” the police have increased their presence in the state capital significantly. (Photo: imago images / Lichtgut) A City council cheered a police president under the word “family tree research” “Such grotesque exaggerations are actually a means of the AfD.

The Stuttgart example shows that fundamentalist green debates also stifle and consolidate the polarization. Measured against the public discussion, the Stuttgart police chief Franz Lutz has carried out a lightning metamorphosis – in less than a month from the green-devoted, politically over-correct belittling of violent asylum seekers heavily right-wing drifting, politically anything but reliable protagonists of a “” structural racism “” in the civil service. When young people rioted, looted and attacked police officers in the Baden-Württemberg state capital five weeks ago, Lutz had spoken of members of an alleged “party and event scene”. The bourgeois and right-wing extremist camp rated this as an attempt, in the interests of Mayor Fritz Kuhn, to just not allow any debate to arise that refugees and descendants of immigrants were behind the riots. Lutz was accused of attempting to cover up. At the time, Kuhn trumpeted: “” We will now discuss all topics in the city without taboos. “” Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann, like Kuhn a Green, called for research into the background to the violence in order to take preventive action can: “” After the summer break I would like to know exactly from which milieus the perpetrators come so that we can act in the long term. “” Normally, that is exactly what a society can expect from politicians who are paid by taxpayers’ money: to do so ensure that excesses of violence like that in Stuttgart and now that in Frankfurt am Main are not biology essay writing service

But the clocks tick differently with the fundamentalist Greens as soon as it comes to migrants, as the Stuttgart city councilor Marcel Roth showed. After Lutz announced in the local council that his investigators were making “” nationwide research at registry offices “” for information on the origin of some of the arrested people Roth used the word “” family tree research “” and practically put it in Lutz’s mouth. Although the term clearly sounded like National Socialist racial madness and did not match the police chief, who was considered the mayor’s compliant cover-up less than a month earlier, the media took over the word unchecked. It is currently popular to collect evidence of “” structural racism “” in the police. Almost pleadingly, Lutz declared: “” I definitely did not use this term, either literally, as it is claimed, or indirectly. A word like that contradicts my attitude and is not part of my vocabulary.

The fact that the police carry out such measures is also completely unfounded and is an allegation. “” But that did not prevent a fighter against “structural racism” “like Roth from correcting himself in any way. “” What you call it doesn’t matter, “he said bravely. “” Police practice is crucial. And this remains highly problematic. “” Finally: “” It’s about the thing, not the term. “” What “” the thing “” is – namely “” structural racism “” and not the damaged shopkeeper – want the Greens how Roth determine. Then the choice of words has a maximum of fourth priority, even if it is denunciation.

One can accuse an old white man in the office of the police chief with a tendency to racism, like to overdo it in a grotesque way and roughly distort reality. But mercy God of whatever religion, when Alice Weidel in the wood-hammering dumb-bread manner denigrates Muslims as “” headscarf girls and alimented knifers and other good-for-nothing “”, the Greens rage (rightly) about the choice of words and demand (rightly) differentiation between Muslims who want terror or peace: Weidel’s unspeakable agitation is just as bold as Roth’s family tree talk. The strategy is the same: using key words to pick up your own clientele below the emotional belt in order to close ranks and get your own worldview confirmed by the appendix. In this way, however, socially necessary debates are stifled in the beginning, because the respective other political camp can withdraw on mere indignation. Discussions are not about content, but about individual words.

It is important to talk about racism in the police, but also to know the family backgrounds of juvenile offenders in order to dissuade them from the path of violence. Boris Palmer, the mayor of Tübingen appointed by the Greens, explained the culture of debate in his party: “” Some people are allowed to hand out anything, others have to take everything. Conversely, however, it is completely forbidden and is a scandal of the first order. The difference is simply that some fight for what is good, others should be silent. “” So it is no wonder that Roth, in his capacity as chairman of the Green Youth in Baden-Württemberg, called Palmer a “” blatant narcissist “” who shame the party “” massive “” and should therefore not run for mayor again. For Roth, diversity of opinion within the party is only acceptable if the opinion coincides with his own.

Left-wing fundamentalist Greens don’t imagine the world to be as colorful as they always claim, but rather pretty homogeneous. Despite all the criticism, Roth continues: “” To focus the investigation on origin is a form of racism. “” This childish insistence on one’s own point of view shows the inability to admit mistakes. How beneficial is it, however, that “” Stuttgarter Zeitung “” and “” Stuttgarter Nachrichten “”, who had made the word “” family tree research “” public, now wrote: “” This was the basis of the erroneous online report from our editorial team. ” “It is unfortunate why politicians like Roth are not, like the (increasingly) media, able to put a few milligrams of ash on their heads. The author of these lines asked Roth for an interview because he wanted to know what makes him tick. Roth refused.

Since the understanding was kept within narrow limits, the answer mail to the city council contained the following two questions: “” Why do you, who got the ball rolling, not give interviews? “” And: “” Do you find such exacerbations in the heated one Location and generally useful? “” Roth no longer even considered it necessary to answer again. As a journalist, one knows that well enough from the AfD, which simply does not answer questions that do not suit it. A request from the editors of to him two weeks ago also remained unanswered.

His council colleague Christoph Ozasek from the Left Party responded with a remarkable admission: No, the term “family tree research” “was never used, he wrote. Roth and he would rather have used it “” as a pointed summary of what has been said “”. That basically means: Roth and Ozasek came up with the term. A dangerous parallel to the AfD is also the perpetrator-victim reversal. Not the rioters and their motives – there are arrest warrants, so the whole thing is not fake – not the shopkeepers and attacked police officers are in the foreground for Roth, but the behavior of the officers. For three weeks, the Greens mainly talked about cosmopolitanism, then about police action – but the social causes and possible integration problems are left out in the world of Marcel Roth and his followers, so that they do not endanger their image of multicultural Stuttgart.

No wonder there are many AfD supporters in the police. They work on the street and not in Wolkenkuckucksheim. Source: “Von der Leyen did not save in her statement with self-praise. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) The ex-defense minister says about the consultant affair. She speaks of mistakes – that others have done. Is it your own fault?

Self-criticism? Nothing. And your former State Secretary? “” Mastered her task with great flying colors. “” Ursula von der Leyen is a political professional who masters PR on his own as from a textbook. After it was certain that she was to become President of the EU Commission, she told the Süddeutsche Zeitung last July: “” If I am invited by the committee, I will of course appear. “” This prompted the message, von der Leyen wants to be “” available to the committee of inquiry as a witness even after she has left for Brussels.

That sounded like a dutiful politician who “” of course “” wants to live up to her responsibility and help clear up the consultant affair. The former defense minister had no other choice: If she had refused to testify, it would have been a scandal of the first order . So von der Leyen appeared before the investigative committee that afternoon and answered questions for five hours. Her testimony was further evidence of why von der Leyen acquired the image of a hardened, ice-cold politician. A MEP later said: “” I am not surprised that the woman has become EU Commission President. “” While witnesses who had worked closely with von der Leyen alleged gaps in memory, the former minister visibly omitted the sentence: “” I can’t remember. “” On the contrary, she constantly tried to give the impression of thinking carefully – apparently to show how hard she tried to spread all of her knowledge.

When it came to an email from an unknown insider to the Ministry of Defense, who reported in great detail about the mysterious awarding of contracts to consultants, she even said: “” I remember this anonymous letter very well. “” Von der Leyen talked a lot without really to become concrete. Much remained vague or in general, according to the opinion of the SPD and the opposition – the Union did not evaluate the appearance – it did not contribute to clearing up the scandal. What the Christian Democrat left no doubt about, however, was her own behavior. In her testimony lasting several hours, Von der Leyen managed without any self-criticism – on the contrary, she did not spare herself with self-praise. Like her former State Secretary Katrin Suder two weeks ago, the ex-minister painted a desolate picture of the Bundeswehr at the beginning of her term of office, emphasizing several times that one of her SPD predecessors, namely Rudolf Scharping, was to blame for this or that when the defense department would never have been in the hands of CDU and CSU politicians.

According to von der Leyen, the financially, materially and personally dwindled Bundeswehr suddenly faced a dangerous new world situation, including “hybrid wars”. “” It’s easy to forget, “said von der Leyen in her typical way of putting mistakes into perspective in a friendly way by describing the big picture. In order to adapt the Bundeswehr to these challenges and to make it digitally future-proof, external consultants were necessary. “” We needed outside help. “” “” It is all the more regrettable that mistakes have been made within the large complex. There have been contract award violations, “said von der Leyen, speaking of” “unclear embedding of third parties” “.

Conclusions were drawn from this and measures were taken to ensure that these errors did not recur. And what about individual guilt in the illegal award of contracts at management level? “” That was below my level, “said von der Leyen, which many MPs came across as arrogant. Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, who is participating in the investigation for the FDP, vented her annoyance after four hours of questioning. She was “” a bit disappointed “” that von der Leyen was doing nothing but reducing everything “” to the fact that mistakes had been made somewhere.

I don’t think so. “” Von der Leyen maintained that it was “” not nice “” that “mistakes were made” “. Once again, it was not more specific. For this, the ex-minister praised her former state secretary: “” Ms. Suder mastered her task with great flying colors and splendor, “” said von der Leyen. “” Anyone who is always active also makes mistakes, that applies to me, “” she explained, then watered down again with a reference to the bigger picture: “” That applies to everyone else too. “” The illegal one Awarding contracts in the millions, von der Leyen also tried to put the big picture into perspective. The Federal Armed Forces Procurement Office alone process at least 10,000 contracts each year. The Federal Audit Office had rightly denounced legal violations.

But it is only about “” an excerpt that we are looking at “”. The fact that subcontractors were hired through a framework contract “is not the decision of a state secretary,” “said von der Leyen. With her previous work at McKinsey, Suder was “” very open and transparent. “” So I knew “” that her colleague was staying out of assignments to McKinsey. The SPD MP Siemtje Möller read from various minutes of testimony from other witnesses who, from the point of view of the Social Democrat, show what pressure from the Ministry on lower officials was exercised in order to commission certain companies or consultants. The demands were always formulated as “” wishes “”. Möller asked von der Leyen whether these were instructions. The ex-minister said: “I do not share your assessment.” “Möller asked whether she did not see the analogy.

Von der Leyen repeated: “” I do not agree that this was desired. “” Möller continued digging at the point and even managed to bring von der Leyen out of her stoic calm once.

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