This building is a lot more famous than it looks

This building is a lot more famous than it looks

According to a senior official, the Cologne police were informed early on of the extent of the attacks on New Year’s Eve. This is shown in the following internal report from the federal police officer.

Excerpts from the operational experience report *:

"As soon as we were approaching the office at Cologne Central Station, excited citizens with crying and shocked children informed us about the conditions in and around the station. Arrived at the forecourt (Domprobst-Ketzer-Str.), Our vehicles that had not yet been parked were pelted with firecrackers.

On the forecourt and the cathedral stairs were several thousand mostly male people with a migrant background who fired or threw fireworks of all kinds and bottles at random into the crowd.

Rescue workers were informed when they arrived

Arrived at the parking lot, many agitated passers-by ran up to the emergency services and reported, among other things. about the conditions described above and about brawls, thefts, sex. Assaults on women, etc. The emergency services were thus immediately in pol. Activities.

Even the appearance of the police and the measures taken did not prevent the masses from doing what they did, both in front of the train station and in Cologne train station.

Women passed through "Running the gauntlet"

Around 10:45 p.m., the well-filled station forecourt and train station continued to fill up with people with a migration background. Women with or without company passed through you in the truest sense "Running the gauntlet" by the heavily drunk crowds of men, as one can not describe it.

Since the improper massive use of pyro in the form of throwing and shooting increased in the crowd (…).

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Police feared death

We both came to the conclusion that the situation (chaos) presented to us would lead to serious injuries if not even death. (…) After consulting with the overall command of the state police, we decided, due to the considerable risk to all people and property, to use the cathedral staircase over the station forecourt towards Domprobst-Ketzner-Str. to vacate. (…)

The evacuation began around 11.30 p.m. above the cathedral stairs in the direction of the forecourt. (…) 

In the course of the evacuation, the state and federal forces were repeatedly fired at with fireworks and pelted with bottles. Due to this situation, we support, in addition to the cordoning off, the evacuation of the emergency room with massive forced action in the form of simple physical violence. The physical condition of the people due to the obvious massive consumption of alcohol and other intoxicating substances (e.g. joints) made the evacuation more difficult.

The eviction ends around 12:15 a.m.

"Crying and shocked women / girls"

In the further course of the mission there were repeated physical clashes between isolated people and groups of people, thefts and robberies at several locations at the same time. During the course of the operation, numerous crying and shocked women / girls appeared at the police station and described sexual assaults by several male migrants / groups. Unfortunately, identification was no longer possible (see point 8, etc.)

The emergency services could not attend to all incidents, attacks, crimes, etc., there were simply too many at the same time.

Frustrated officials

Due to the large number of o.a. Acts, the emergency services limited themselves to clearing up the situation with the most necessary measures. Since it was not possible to help every victim of a crime and to arrest the perpetrator, the officers deployed came to the limit of frustration. At peak times it was not possible for the deployed forces to take criminal charges that had arisen. In addition to the situations described above, the following events / incidents, which are not all listed here, also occurred:

1. Tearing up residence permits with a grin on your face and the statement:" You can’t do anything for me, get me a new one tomorrow." 

2. "I am a Syrian, you must treat me kindly! Ms. Merkel invited me." 

3. Referrals were usually enforced with compulsion. The person concerned kept coming up and making fun of the situation. In this situation, detention was not an option due to the capacity limit in the office.

4. Platform closure due to overcrowding. Reaction: to the side platform, over the track to the overcrowded / blocked off platform. This led to the track being closed because there were people on the track who did not defuse the situation on the platforms

5. Boarding the trains only through physical disputes – right of the fittest

6. Everywhere in the station "Vomit" and places that were used as a toilet.

7. Many male people (migrants) who slept off their intoxication in all areas of the train station without any intention to travel (bank counters, waiting room etc.)

8. If cries for help were perceived by the injured party, an intervention of the forces by standing around (members?) E.g. by condensing the group of people / mass formation prevented from reaching those concerned (injured party / witness / perpetrator).

9. Victims / witnesses were threatened on site, if the perpetrator was named, or were subsequently pursued.


Due to the constant presence of the emergency services and attentive passers-by in the station, complete rape could be prevented.

High number of migrants

What was also noticeable was the very high number of migrants within the police measures of the state police and within their own area of ​​responsibility.

Measures taken by the forces met a disrespect as I have not yet experienced in 29 years of service.

The much too little force (…) brought all the forces used to the limit of their performance pretty quickly.

Use lasts almost ten hours

The emergency services completed the entire mission in heavy protective equipment and helmeted from 9.45 p.m. to 7.30 a.m. without losing their motivation and motivation.

This chaotic and shameful situation on this New Year’s Eve led to additional motivation within the (…) emergency services (…)."

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* Grammatical errors were left in the documented report. The omissions were made to protect the identifiable persons or groups of persons mentioned.

500 sole proprietorships, at least four billion dollars in net worth, businesses from skin care to high-rise towers: to call Donald Trump’s corporate network opaque is almost an understatement. He is said to have collected $ 41 million in rental income in 2015 alone. What happens when Trump is sworn in as the 45th President of the United States on January 20th? What sounds like a luxury problem is one of the greatest challenges for the new politician.

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Conflicts of interest are programmed, political competition is already charging. Legal experts see unexplained business connections as one of the greatest risks for Trump; in the worst case, they could bring him to impeachment proceedings.

This Thursday he actually wanted to provide information on how he envisions the future of his business while he is doing global politics in the White House. But maybe he imagined it to be too easy. The press conference was postponed, presumably in January he now wants to take a position, it said.

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Legal limits for Trump

The clan patriarch wants his three eldest children, Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka to play the role of administrator of his life’s work. But this is not so easy. He wants at least Ivanka to act as an advisor to the White House, and the sons are said to have helped in the search for cabinet members. With every thought of his legacy as an entrepreneur, Trump comes up against limits in tax, inheritance and corporate law. And even the Constitution appears to be in the way.

As always, when things get tight, Trump seeks defense via the short message service Twitter. He said in a series of tweets that he wanted to put his fortune in the hands of his sons and independent managers. "There will be no new deals during my tenure"he promised. From a corporate law perspective, these are very imprecise messages. The accusation that he remains practically corruptible – he does not want to discuss it.

There are already conflicts of interest

He is evidently reluctant to put his assets in a so-called blind trust and have them managed independently during his tenure as president. This is what President Jimmy Carter did with his peanut empire in Georgia. Or the media entrepreneur Michael Bloomberg when he became mayor of New York.

Trump doesn’t necessarily have to do that – a fact he never tires of stressing. US law does not currently provide a general rule that dictates how an elected president should handle his or her assets. Nonetheless, a failure to take office could lead to serious complications later.

The first burning questions are already urgent: Deutsche Bank, for example, is Trump’s largest financier. The corporate network is dependent on the loans of the largest German bank. Deutsche Bank is also the subject of legal proceedings in the United States Department of Justice. What does a president and businessman Trump think about it?

His new hotel in Washington, significantly promoted by his daughter Ivanka, serves as a dump for diplomats and international guests. Will the future president soon be earning state visits from his government’s guests? The Democrats are already calling for Trump to get out of the lease for the state-owned building.

Doing business abroad can be dangerous for Trump

You shouldn’t press the president to pulverize his private fortune when he takes office, writes Tom Fitton, president of the Republican-affiliated association Judicial Watch in the "Washington Post". That would discourage those who are economically successful from holding public office. But Fitton also recommends that Trump must withdraw from the business and not accept a cent in royalties from his empire. He shouldn’t even talk about business with his children.

Fitton’s concerns are primarily directed against Trump’s overseas activities. America’s enemies could use business ties with the President’s web to harm the United States. Trump does business in China, for example, which he seems to be building into the USA’s main enemy. The Bank of China has lent money to Trump’s companies.

"Trump should consider selling off any business that is related to foreign governments"writes Fitton. He probably has the so-called Emolument Clause of the US Constitution in mind. This states that officials in the US may not accept any donations from foreign governments.

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How this is to be interpreted in individual cases is, in case of doubt, a matter for the Supreme Court. Fitton says: "It would be downright grotesque if Trump’s successes as a businessman were to question his successes as president."

German doctors sound the alarm: There were 390 measles cases in the first quarter. The supposedly harmless infection can be fatal, especially for adults. The fact that the virus falls on the best breeding ground in Germany of all places is due to the huge vaccination gaps in the population.

More on measles

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First death in Munich

While measles has been eradicated in large parts of the world and even in 13 African countries, the highly contagious disease has flared up again in Germany. In Munich, the virus has already claimed the first death, a 26-year-old man. 780 cases had already been officially reported in 2010 – even though the Federal Republic of Germany was supposed to be measles-free long ago, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Adults are often unprotected

Citizens between the ages of 20 and 40 in particular lack the necessary vaccination protection, as Wolfram Hartmann, President of the Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ) complains. Especially those born after 1970 often live unprotected as adults: Either because they were vaccinated against measles only once as a child and the vaccination was not refreshed – which has only been common since 2001.

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