There is something with the taste also, while it el with hints of vanilla in between the sugary texture of virginias, something quite denotes a background that is not likeable, something ashy and astringent in the very bad sense, and as this increases the shadow of the tongue bite increases as well. Strike two.
And as you proceed with this caution that is similar to the one from a vigilante carrying some kind of Doctor Lecter, watching every step from his behaviour, in the end the whole task leaves you unfullfilled, and bored.
Sweet killarney is a tobacco i wouldnt recommend at all, for been a caramel tobacco coming from such a reputed trademark as Peterson this is simply very mediocre and even dangerous.
This is a very mild mixture. I don’t get much from the underlying tobaccos, but what little there is seems pleasant enough, and I don’t get any of the chemical tastes others report. For me, there is a touch of bite, but then I am a steadier puffer than most; I doubt most careful sippers would find even the little I did. The caramel is present but not very strong. Those looking for a mild aromatic should probably give this a try, but I think most others would find this at least slightly unsatisfactory.
The ribbon cut contains some bits and pieces of broken flake as promised and easily be filled into your bowl. Personaly, I use the Frank method. Lighting usually a single charring and true light, after which the tobacco burns down evenly.
As any Virginia based blend, Sweet Killarney needs to be smoked coolly or it’ll loose a lot of its aroma and will bite your tongue. All in all it can be a pleasant smoke.
When I 1st opened the tin and smelled the blend I was almost sure I was going to enjoy this. Sadly I was mistaken. The aroma was far more appealing than the smoke. Little to no flavor except on the first few puffs after which starts to bite.
Strike three
This blend is kind of different than your average aromatic. The casing seemed light, even though to me it seemed like it was trying to hard to taste good. The room note is incredible. Anyone who gets a whiff of that will be pleased.
I, however, was not pleased with the taste and the tongue bite from smoking just a little fast. Other Peterson blends do not usually burn, but I had problems with this.
The flavor and smell seemed to be Caramel. Which was very good, but nonetheless, I prefer a good taste, that’s long lasting and smooth over smell.
The creamy taste of caramel is quite strong and sweet, and it only weakens towards the end of bowl, but there’s still some tangy tobacco flavor in the background
Peterson definitely missed the boat on this blend. They are trying to North Charleston live escort reviews hit a Nolan Ryan fastball and are failing miserably in the attempt. Don’t even bother with this one.
Almost sticky sweet, when I cracked the tin I was greeted with an over abundance of sweet fruit. Drying out helps this tobacco immensely in my opinion. Smoking in my peterson system pipe – there was a slight bite to it, but very faint. Once dry it smoked without much relight.
I don’t hate Peterson and have no idea what is going on here. But I do know this is one tobacco that missed its potential. The tin aroma is wonderful as is the room aroma. However, the taste is bland and the tobacco smokes very hot and gave me the worse case of tongue bite I have ever experienced. I wanted to like this tobacco so much because of the pleasant room aroma, but no matter what pipe I smoked it in – including very large bowls or how slow I smoked it I could not keep it from burning hot and frying my tongue. I just with Peterson would put this flavoring on better leaf.