Food Trial #1: Failed but pretty lol

Food Trial #1: Failed but pretty lol

Just like some other people who love to eat, I always have interest in cooking. However, I have this habit to not measure the ingredients and sometimes have random ideas, even though I look at recipe. I am not sure why, but maybe ‘cause my mom also cook that way. lol. Because of that habit, I usually cook one-serving since I can’t guarantee the taste ?? Well sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s failed, and sometimes I just follow the recipe! It all really depends on what I have at home. I almost never cook during my undergraduate days because I was already tired in keeping up the assignments and even have irregular eating schedule ?? I almost always chose to just eat whatever we had at home -even if it’s just rice+salt lol- instead of cooking something. Yeah that bad. But these days, I’m back on track!! Since last year I started to pay attention in my health and want to healthier food. Even though I always eat homecooked foods -which means way healthier than take out foods-, my old passion to try cooking random-unfamiliar foods -to my mom- is back. ?? I actually considered this particular one as failed based on the taste.. BUT!! the food came out sooo prettyyyyy that I couldn’t help but want to share it here ??????

The main food in this dish is grilled salmon and mushroom

The salmon got burnt I know T^T it’s all because I marinated this in lemon, garlic, and HONEY. I forgot that I have honey and cook it in medium fire TT^TT the bunt looks pretty bad but fortunately it didn’t really affect the taste. I even barely taste the burnt?? And about the taste…. I think I didn’t marinated it long enough because I barely taste the marinade ?? it’s alright though, salmon itself already tastes good!! I really like the texture, reminds me of one of my favourite fish, mackerel!

For the mushroom, I grilled them in the simplest way: sprinkle some salts and chilli powder then just wait until the juice came out! I first knew that mushroom can be cooked this way when I tried Korean BBQ. They restaurant that I visited provide mushroom as one of the side dish to be grilled. As far as I know, not a lot of people like the juice that came out or the mushroom that cooked this way. When I first tried it, it somehow tastes weird. But as I tried it again, I strangely started to enjoy the taste! For those who doesn’t like them, I recommend to sprinkle a little bit of salt (and spices). It really improves the taste and make a delicious broth!

Maybe salad?

I just recently know about cauliflower rice, a substitute for the actual rice. I looked for some recipes and turns out you just need to cooked it like fried rice! it seems interesting so I decided to tried one. In the videos that I watched it is said that we need to use food processor or medium grate, but I only have a fine grate. It took too long for the stems to finely grated so I ended up chopped them with knife lol. I only roughly season it with basic seasonings -salt, garlic, and chili powder- so I’m not satisfied with the taste, but I like the texture. I gonna try to make this again later!

I literally don’t know what this side dish called lol. ? The base are spinach and enoki mushroom. I originally want to lightly season it with my last drop of soy sauce. Buuuut somehow my mom thought it’s leftover sweet soy sauce so I need to think of other way TT^TT Then I got this idea to make my own salty soy sauce with sweet soy sauce, a pinch of salt , and a little bit of water. I also add some sliced almonds in online title loans WV the last minute. You think it works? nope, it’s not ?? the sweetness makes the sauce literally like sweet soy sauce+salt with too much water. The almond is not so bad but I think it will taste better if I roast it first.

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