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He is closely connected with the fertility goddess Ops . Later he was also regarded as god of secret counsels. She was worshipped in many temples, but the oldest was on the Forum Romanum and dates back to 367 BCE and was built by Camilus. The temple also served as a meeting-place for the Roman senate. Concordia is portrayed sitting, wearing a long cloak and holding a sacrificial bowl in her left hand and a cornucopia in her right.

Aeneas married Lavinia and she gave birth to Silvius. The city Aeneas founded in Latium, called Lavinium, was named after her. Leto, the daughter of the Titans Phoebe and Coeus. Known as the hidden one and bright one, her name came to be used for the moon Selene. Hera was jealous of Leto because Zeus, the husband of Hera, had fallen in love with her. From their union Leto bore the divine twins, Artemis and Apollo.

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Although Augustus did not allow others to call him a god when he was alive, he insisted that the personification of Rome as a goddess​—Roma Dea—​be worshipped. Local religious sentiment and patriotism in the provinces were thus directed toward both the center of the empire and its rulers. The new imperial cult, which soon spread to all the provinces, became a way of expressing homage and loyalty to the State. One way to ascertain the will of the deities was to look for omens.

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  • The trade and travel that was integral to the Roman Empire made it easy for the worship of gods to spread abroad and Isis came to be worshipped across the Empire.
  • The Romans usually prayed to her for wisdom, medicinal arts, trade, poetry, and strategy.
  • Vespasian does, as I say, begin to wake up towards the end and begins to realise that divine right or not, Caligula may have to ‘make way’ for another, for the good of Rome’s – and everyone else’s – future.
  • The link to both Zeus and oxen, as well as etymological links between the name Eleuther or Eleutheros with the Latin name Liber Pater, indicates that this may have been another name for Dionysus.

Indeed, the Romans worshiped a myriad of native gods who, though considered minor, governed various aspects of daily life. For instance, Cinxia was the goddess of marriage, while Libitina and Naenia were both goddesses of funerals. Additionally, some Roman deities had quite specific domains. For example, Cloacina was worshiped as the goddess of the Cloaca Maxima, the system of sewers in Rome. Obarator, Occator, and Conditor are gods associated with specific aspects of agriculture – ploughing, harrowing, and harvesting, respectively. Nevertheless, this syncretism was not limited to the Greek deities, and the Romans assimilated many of the gods worshiped by the peoples they conquered.

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