How to Write a Job Resignation Letter

How to Write a Job Resignation Letter

Learn how to write a job resignation letter that is professional, clear and concise.

  • Creating and submitting a professional resignation letter can have a lasting effect on how you are viewed by past and future employers and colleagues.
  • Your resignation letter should be concise. Include the date of your last working day, an offer to assist with the transition, and express gratitude to your soon-to-be former employer.
  • In your resignation letter, do not air your grievances or speak poorly about the company or co-workers.В
  • This article is for employees who need guidance on writing a proper resignation letter.

Resigning from a job,В regardless of the circumstances, is a major life decision and should be taken seriously swapfinder mobile site. Crafting and submitting a professional resignation letter is a key aspect of the resignation process and can leave a lasting impression on former and future employers. Knowing the impact this letter can have, it is important to understand what should be included in it and exactly how to write it. В

What is a resignation letter?

When an employee decides to quit a job, they should give their employer a formal job resignation letter. Pat Roque, career transformation coach atВ Rock on Success, described a job resignation letter as being a formal notification of an employee’s exit strategy.В

“It is a required document that becomes part of your employee records,” Roque told Business News Daily. “Think of it as the last chapter of your story at your former company.”В

Your letter should have a neutral tone that informs your employer that you are leavingВ and on what date, plus it should offer to assist in the transition to someone new and thank them for the time you were part of the team. Despite your feelings about your job or your boss, being professional, courteous, and helpful provides closure and a positive path forward. [See related article: Quitting Your Day Job? The Basics on Benefits Coverage for Entrepreneurs]

“Always keep the door open, because you never know when you may want to return or even work with other colleagues in a future role elsewhere,” said Roque.

James Rice, head of SEO at Picked, said that although you will likely be expected to hand in a standard resignation letter, it is usually best to schedule a meeting with your boss to personally give them the letter and discuss your resignation in person.В

What your resignation letter should say

Although the specific contents of your job resignation letter can be tailored to your job and company, there are a few basic elements that should always be included.

  • Your end date. Provide your official end date, ideally at least two weeks in advance.
  • Help with the transition. Express your commitment to ensuring a smooth and easy transition, including availability to discuss your workload and status updates with your manager or successor.
  • Gratitude for the opportunity. Find something nice to say, regardless of any differences you may have with a colleague or how toxic the job may have become.
  • Request for instructions (optional).В If you aren’t yet aware of the exit protocol at your company, request specific instructions about final work commitments and such. Some companies may ask you to leave immediately, while others may have you very involved in a transition over the two-week period, or they may ask you to work from home and see HR to return your laptop on your last official day.В

Alex Twersky, co-founder ofВ Resume Deli, added that offering to assist in training a replacement, preparing the team for your departure and expressing gratitude are important elements of a job resignation letter.В

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