In this post, you can find proposals to evolve or customize the process which college students use and you may pay off its funds

In this post, you can find proposals to evolve or customize the process which college students use and you may pay off its funds

*NEW* S.3658 – Resident Degree Deferred Desire (REDI) Operate

Mentor: Sen. Rosen [D-NV]
Cosponsors: 1 (0D; 1R)
NASFAA Summation & Analysis: This bill would allow borrowers in a medical or dental residency program to have the interest and payments on their student loans deferred.

*NEW* H.Roentgen.6749 – Brush Record owing to Repayment Work away from 2022

Sponsor: Rep. Ross [D-NC]
Cosponsors: 11 (11D; 0R)
NASFAA Conclusion & Analysis: This bill would remove the record of default on a borrower’s credit history upon total repayment of the full amount due.

*NEW* H.R.6708 – Student loan Relief Operate

Sponsor: Rep. Gonzalez [D-TX]
Cosponsors: 0
NASFAA Conclusion & Analysis: This bill would require the Department of Education to forgive a maximum of $25,000 for Federal student loan borrowers. The forgiven amount would be tax free.

H.R.6466 – Education loan Rehab and you will Credit score Update Act out-of 2022

Sponsor: Rep. Williams [D-GA]
Cosponsors: 18 (18D; 0R)
NASFAA Summary & Analysis: This bill would not only require the removal of the record of default from a borrower’s credit history report once they have rehabilitated their loans, but would require the removal of all adverse credit history related to the loan’s initial defaulted status.

H.Roentgen.6424 – High ED Operate

Sponsor: Rep. DeFazio [D-OR]
Cosponsors: 0
NASFAA Summary & Analysis: This bill would reform the current federal loan program through a multitude of programs, including, reinstating federal subsidized loans to borrowers in graduate and professional programs and allowing borrowers to discharge their federal loans if they file for bankruptcy. The bill would also allow borrowers to refinance their federal and/or private student loans and include adjunct faculty in those eligible for public service loan forgiveness (PSLF). The PSLF program would also be amended to allow for annual cancellation of 10% of the total interest and principal for those who completed 12 months of eligible work and payments.

H.R.6125 – No Double Financial obligation for Emergency Survivors Operate from 2021

Sponsor: Rep. Carter [D-LA]
Cosponsors: 0
NASFAA Summary & Analysis: This bill would authorize the Secretary of Education to cancel outstanding student loan debt for Small Business Administration disaster loan borrowers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic or a natural disaster. The amount of student loan debt cancelled would not exceed the amount of the SBA disaster loan.

H.Roentgen.5890 – Education loan Borrower Safety net Act regarding 2021

Sponsor: Rep. Bonamici [D-OR]
Cosponsors: 7 (7D; 0R)
NASFAA Summation & Data: title loans Gadsden This bill would require the Secretary of Education to create an outreach program to borrowers who will be entering repayment after the payment pause created by the COVID-19 pandemic, slated to begin would start at least 60 days prior to the restart of payments, and would include a minimum of 6 reach out attempts, including information like, when the borrower’s normal payment will begin and that the borrower may be eligible to enroll in an IDR plan. Special priority for notifications would be given to borrowers who had in the past five years missed a payment in the first three months of entering repayment, or had been in a non-administrative forbearance or deferment.

S.2984 – State-Centered Education loan Sense Act

Sponsor: Sen. Murkowski [R-AK]
Cosponsors: 4
NASFAA Summary & Investigation: This bill would eliminate penalties and deterrents that prevent institutions from informing students about student loans offered by non-profit state agency lenders.

S.2976 – Student loan Repayment Versatility Act

Sponsor: Sen. Murkowski [R-AK]
Cosponsors: 2
NASFAA Summary & Data: This bill would allow borrowers to switch between different repayment plans based on their situation without first being put into a forbearance or standard repayment plan while the transfer is made.

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