The demand for anal sex is comparatively rare

The demand for anal sex is comparatively rare

Many men do simply come for a massage or to seek a dinner companion. The greatest number of requests are for ‘water sports and ‘scat.

Customers also pay for a stranger to defecate on the floor. The boy is then required to leave while the customer smears himself. Acts of group sex are not unusual, but it is sado-masochistic sex that is most in demand, particularly from foreign businessmen on trips to London.

Frankly I’m never going to be a big hit in the bars and clubs and I prefer to be in control of the sex, which I am when I pay

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Most of the boys have been on call-outs to some of London’s smartest hotels at one time or another. These are the most lucrative jobs and up to pounds 300 can be earned for an all-night stay. One boy told of his experience with a German in the Intercontinental Hotel who wanted to be beaten until he bled. ‘He just begged for mercy and for me to hit him harder, like they all do. Afterwards, we just slept together for the rest of the night, had a bite to eat the following morning and parted company.

Sometimes attachments form in these circumstances. ‘I was quite heartbroken when an Australian Mel Gibson look-alike returned to Perth at Christmas, said Murray. ‘I’m absolutely sure we could never have had a relationship on the outside but I just wanted him to be around.

Bosses discourage ongoing liaisons. Many customers, keen to see their boy under different circumstances, will leave their business cards. Surprisingly few boys pursue these contacts. ‘There is a kind of loyalty to the house, said one boss. ‘I just feel it takes up enough time as it is, a boy counters. ‘I wouldn’t do it unless I was really desperate for cash. Others feel that contact outside the house would interfere with their ‘real lives.

Despite the existence of brothels, the rent boy scene is still going strong in London. Prices for this kind of service again attracts about pounds 50 a time but can be highly variable. Many rent boys are younger, plying their trade in the streets around Piccadilly Circus. In addition, some boys operate informally in singles or in pairs from private addresses. Brothels, by contrast, offer security to customers and boys alike.

London’s male brothels offer a more lucrative way for young men to ply their trade than the streets and a more discreet service to the discerning customer

A Customer’s Story – Terry I always had a regular boyfriend when I was in my twenties and thirties. I was with one Malaysian guy for several years. But I suppose my last real boyfriend was a 12-year-old in Rio when I was there several years ago. I’ve been going to bawdy houses for some years now.

Another big consideration is safety; I’m not going to be bashed on the head in one of these places as I could be if I took a stranger home. I’m also less willing to wake up the morning after with a total stranger and laboriously kick them out of my home.

It’s difficult to give up once you start. I go less than I did a few years ago, mainly because of the recession. I go to all the houses, but I like two in particular and I’m at them most weeks.

The practice of being urinated on or of drinking urine for sexual gratification is not as uncommon as might be supposed

Sometimes group sex is nice and doesn’t cost that much more because two or three boys are not necessarily double or triple the price.

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