The exception is the first level, which can be passed in December.

The exception is the first level, which can be passed in December.

However, most candidates prefer to study on their own, and the most purposeful use additional literature in addition to the training materials provided by the CFA Institute.

Preparation for one exam takes about 250 hours. If it is not possible to take a vacation, you will have to spend at least two hours a day after work or dedicate a weekend to study. Candidates of all three levels take the exams once a year, one day – in June. The exception is the first level, which can be passed in December. It will take at least a year and a half to pass the exams of all three levels, not counting the time to prepare for the first level. In fact, most candidates receive a certificate in two to four years.

Today, there are two options for preparing for the CFA exams.

The first is to enroll in a master’s program that has become a CFA partner. The second option is to use a special program aimed solely at preparing for the CFA exams. But you need to understand that in this case, the listener will need a fairly large amount of independent work.

To participate in the program, you must have a university degree and at least four years of experience, know English and meet high ethical standards. However, a fourth-year student can also enter the program, but he will receive a certificate only when he has worked in the specialty for at least four years.

As for international airline pilots

Knowledge of English is a mandatory requirement, as both exams are taken only in English, and educational literature is in English. And this is not a whim of the CFA Institute. Just in the financial sphere, English is a working language, and without his knowledge it is simply impossible to communicate with colleagues from other countries.

In this sense, financial analysts are similar to international airline pilots, who are also required to know English. By the way, in China, where there are thousands, if not tens of thousands of candidates for the CFA certificate, the vast majority of financiers surveyed insisted that the program be in English, because already knowing it says a lot about the level of professionalism of the candidate.

At once we will tell also about other condition of successful passing of the program. Candidates must have serious mathematical training, because modern financial and investment analysis, buy comparative essay cheap including risks, requires a solid mathematical background and knowledge of methods of meta-analysis in economics and finance.

Why is this necessary?

Interest in the program is shown mainly by investment bankers, asset managers, and professionals related to the capital market. But in reality, the program is designed for everyone involved in finance: from analysts and accountants to professors and government officials.

If we talk about the domestic real sector, then here, as a rule, have a bad idea of ​​what we are talking about and why it is needed. But gradually the country is joining the global division of labor, and Western companies are emerging, where there is an understanding that people involved in financial analysis must have a high culture, ethics and knowledge.

And in the largest domestic banks now when hiring look at whether a person has a CFA certificate or not, and all other things being equal, its presence becomes a solid advantage.

Only time will tell the return on investment in education in each case. But, based on research by the CFA Institute and Russell Reynolds Associates, it can be stated that the salaries of employees with a CFA certificate are on average one and a half times higher than those of the same employees without a certificate.

A specialist with a CFA degree is certainly well acquainted with his or her ethical responsibilities and unconditionally adheres to the highest standards of ethics and standards of professional conduct. He understands the logic of GIPS standards, recognizes his duty to act ethically and to promote such behavior in others, works honestly, competently, diligently, respecting the client. The degree of CFA means that its holder is determined to always put the interests of the investor in the first place in his professional activity.

Employers are well aware of the perseverance that characterizes the holders of the CFA certificate, their desire for complex intellectual work, the ability to move forward on their own, to strictly adhere to ethical standards.

From the investor’s point of view, the title of CFA is a sign of huge analytical potential, proven readiness to adhere to the highest professional and moral standards, exhaustive knowledge of investment activities and analytical approaches.

The holder of the CFA certificate is able to qualitatively evaluate undervalued and overvalued securities; calculate the value of revocable bonds and bonds with the right of early redemption; determine the ratios used by credit analysts; analyze derivatives, alternative and intercorporate investments, tax liabilities, inventories and more.


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